Many of my students I missed last week. Well, we had an awesome vacation! Swimming in the Columbia river, playing Glow-in-the-dark tag and a 100 ft. long slip'n'slide, cabins, firelight sings, encouragement in the Holy Scriptures, bike jumps and loads of friends, unlimited Slurpees and great food... There was a horrendous piano at the lodge that had real ivory keys of all dirty shades of brown, several of which were either broken or completely missing, and original hammers that had to be at least 100 years old. (Probably the original tuning too!) We didn't practice much even if we had the time, inclination and the books! There is some point at which making your kids practice on something like that is a bit much. But one girl at camp spent five hours over two days playing the first three measures of Fur Elise over and over that another girl at camp had taught her. Wish I were kidding...
...Actually, I wish I were her teacher! :) With patience motivation and determination like that, she'd go really far!
Listening I enjoyed this week (on the road trip!): Pletnev Plays Bach-Busoni Chaconne
and here is where that Chaconne come from: it is a very famous Violin Solo piece from Bach's Violin Sonata in D minor, and Maxim Vengerov plays it- this is more a memorial than a concert.
Then after we came home late Friday, I taught six piano lessons yesterday, then we climbed to the top of Mount Si.
OK, I'll admit it: I never have any week without piano!